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To access the Journals issued by the Fine Arts University Center Of São Paulo, please click on the journal corresponding link.


  • Arte 21

    The Journal Arte 21 is a biannual publication of the Fine Arts University Center Of São Paulo. The editions are thematic, with the publication of original texts in the sections of articles, reviews, essays, essays, including contributions by foreign authors. Each issue meets the guidelines proposed by the Editorial Council and deals with the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, Arts, Communication and Design, Technology, Innovation and Education.

    All contributions must be unpublished and will be evaluated by referees. The content of published texts is the sole responsibility of each author. Arte 21 is a scientific journal with free and unrestricted access.

  • Revista Belas Artes

    Belas Artes Journal is an electronic publication of the Fine Arts University Center Of São Paulo that aims to disseminate articles, essays, interviews and reviews by its professors and researchers, as well as other Brazilian and foreign universities.

    Belas Artes Journal is also intended to publish articles on the results of scientific initiation, as well as articles by masters and doctors from the Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo and from other institutions, national and international, of Higher Education. With a quarterly periodicity, the magazine tempo aims to disseminate artistic-scientific productions related to the area of Visual Arts, Architecture, Social Communication, Design and International Relations

  • Revista Data Venia

    A Data Venia é uma publicação eletrônica semestral do curso de Relações Internacionais do Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. A revista recebe contribuições nas modalidades fluxo contínuo e dossiês temáticos, contribuindo para a divulgação científica e de eventos na área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, com ênfase nas temáticas de política externa, interculturalidade, economia política internacional, direito internacional, direitos humanos, instituições internacionais e estratégias de comunicação em organizações globais.

    Todas as contribuições deverão ser inéditas e serão  avaliadas por pareceristas. O conteúdo dos textos publicados são de responsabilidade exclusiva de cada autor. Data Venia é um periódico científico de acesso livre e irrestrito.